EDUCATOR NEWSACT NO Waste uses Ollie in teacher trainingACT NO Waste is a business unit of the ACT’s Department of Urban Services and their role is to implement the Government's No Waste Strategy by 2010. As part of their commitment to education, ACT NO Waste has introduced the Waste Wise Schools Program into the ACT. The Waste Wise Program shows schools how they can save money, create opportunities for meaningful learning outcomes for students while helping the environment. Since launching the Waste Wise Schools in July 2003, 11 workshops have been held with more than 110 teachers attending from across the ACT. One of the resources used in the Waste Wise Teacher Resource Kit is the Ollie Saves the Planet CD ROM. See this link for some activities produced by ACT NO Waste using the Ollie Saves the Planet CD ROM - http://www.nowaste.act.gov.au/styles/ollieactivities.doc One of the most successful Waste Wise Schools in the ACT is the Fraser Primary School. They have managed to reduce their waste from 56 kg a week to 13 kg per week. They have also developed a program called "Beyond the Bin" which helps them implement waste wise practices within the school. See this link for a description of the “Beyond the Bin” initiative http://www.nowaste.act.gov.au/styles/beyondthebin.doc Children from Fraser Primary School in the ACT
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