Ollie Saves the Planet - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink
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Ollie and kids at Australian launchOllie Saves the Planet is the second in a series of interactive environmental education programs produced by Sustain Ability International. The first program, Ollie Recycles, came out in 1997 and was distributed free to all primary schools in Victoria and hundreds of other primary schools around Australia.

Realising that the concept could be expanded and taken to the world, Sustain Ability International directors, Jane Stewart and Peter Broadbent, took Ollie Recycles to the United Kingdom, where they were overwhelmed by the positive response. Says Jane: "They had never seen anything like it. We had discovered a truly needed product in a lucrative overseas niche market for our interactive environmental education program."

Dr David Kemp, Minister for Environment speaking at launchIn November 1999, Ollie Recycles was released in the United Kingdom. By July 2001 every primary school in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland had received a free copy.

Today, the more sophisticated Ollie Saves the Planet program has been supported and embraced by organisations connected to the waste, water and energy industries, government departments, manufacturers of materials, recyclers, educators and environmental groups. In short, it is the only program in the world that involves all these disparate groups.

Over the past three years, Peter and Jane have travelled the world showing Ollie Saves the Planet to industry, government and education leaders in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, the United States and Malaysia.

Minister Kemp joins in the fun with Ollie at the launchBy attracting funding for the program from local organisations, Sustain Ability International is able to target the program to the specific circumstances, specific curricula and the cultural and religious sensitivities of each and every market in which it is launched. Feedback from children, teachers and parents is used to continually improve the program.

Funds also pay for one free copy of the CD ROM to be distributed into every primary school in each country it is made for and teacher training programs are created for local educators.

"Our goal is to create strategic partners in countries all over the world, funding the creation of new localised programs linking together communities from all over the world," says Peter.


Ollie Recycles


June 1997

Ollie Recycles

United Kingdom

Nov 1999

Ollie Recycles 2001

United Kingdom

July 2001

Ollie Recycles

United Arab Emirates

Nov 2001

Ollie Saves the Planet


July 2002

Ollie Saves the Planet


Jan 2004

Ollie's Island


Early 2006

Ollie's Island


Late 2006


  • Hours of easy-to-use edu-tainment
  • Suitable for kids aged from 5 - 95
  • 50 interactive activities - games, puzzles, movies and more
  • 20 projects using web page-making software included in the program
  • 190 info-screens with further environmental information
  • Search facility to enhance navigation
  • Practical real-life case studies to enhance understanding
  • Extensive teachers'notes
  • Direct hyperlink to Ollie's Website
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