Plants which are able to carry water and nutrients up through their
roots to their leaves, such as flowering plants and ferns.
Anything that a person owns which is considered no longer useful and
needs to be disposed of.
Water table
The level of the top layer of groundwater.
Water vapor
Particles of water suspended in air.
Wind energy
Electricity produced using the movement of air to turn turbines.
Wind turbines
Large windmills that are designed to capture the movement of air and
convert it to electricity.
Winter smog
The high levels of particulate air pollution that often occur in winter
and are caused by burning fuel for heating.
Worm farm
A type of compost bin that uses worms to help break down organic matter
more quickly.
A silvery-white metal which is used for coating iron and steel to protect
against corrosion.
This Word Check glossary was compiled using information from:
Lund, 1993.
Pearsall, 1998.
Energy Information Administration,
United States Environmental Protection
Agency, 2002.