Links for Teachers and Educators
Centre for Education and Industry at Warwick University Supports the study and dissemination of information and experience of education - business
Council for Environmental Education (CEE) Provides a national focus in England for those committed to education for sustainable development.
Eco-schools Europe-wide schools programme and award scheme that encourages whole-school action for the environment.
England and Wales Environment Agency Education Resources Includes downloadable environmental education resources for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, plus case
studies, practical activities and worksheets for use in the classroom.
Groundwork Leading environmental charity with a range of school resources.
National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE)
An association of head teachers, teachers, lecturers, advisers, inspectors and all others concerned with the environment.
National Grid for Learning Portal site bringing together a vast and growing collection of sites that support education and life long learning.
Wastewatch Waste education resources for teachers and schools.
Young People's Trust for the Environment The Young People's Trust for the Environment is a charity which aims to encourage young people's understanding of the environment and the need for sustainability.