EDUCATOR NEWSOllie goes to School to Kick Start SustainabilityThe Sustainability Kick Start Program is a one-day sustainability festival for the whole school to engage and excite students, teachers, and administrators about sustainability and to enable and empower the school to start practicing sustainable practices immediately. The focal point of the day is a physical addition to the school (e.g. a compost bin or water tank) that changes the behaviour of the school and leaves a legacy of the day. Schools will choose from one of four themes:
The day begins with a stimulating drama performance featuring Ollie from Ollie Saves the Plant that energises the school. Then students participate in hands-on, and authentic learning activities and problem solving activities. At the end of the day the students present their solutions to the whole school and celebrate their achievements. Finally, a professional development session is offered to teachers and administrators to help them extend the day to achieve lasting sustainability practices in their schools, homes, and communities. The Sustainability Kick Start Program is delivered by the Gould League and at this stage only available in Victoria. For more information contact us at: Ollie's World
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