A substance added to soil to make it more fertile.
A chemical element which takes the form of a toxic, pale yellow gas.
A substance added to a furnace during metal smelting or glass-making
which combines with impurities to form slag.
Fossil Fuels
Fuels created naturally beneath the Earth’s surface over long periods
of time, from the remains of once-living things, eg coal, oil, and natural
Fuel Cell
A device that uses hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity by harnessing
chemical energy.
Fungus (Fungi)
Molds, mildews, yeasts, mushrooms and other organisms which obtain
their nutrients from decaying organic matter.
The name given in the United States to motor fuel, which is a petroleum product.
Information that is passed on from parents to their offspring, and determine
the characteristics of that offspring.
Genetic diversity
The variety of different types of genes in a species or population.
Geothermal energy
Energy produced in geothermal power stations, where the natural heat
from underground rocks is used to heat water, which is then used to
produce electricity.
A hard, brittle substance, usually see-through, which is made by melting
together sand, limestone and soda and then cooling quickly.
Global warming
An increase in the average temperature of the Earth, thought to be caused
by the greenhouse effect.
A valuable yellow metal, known as a precious metal.
Greenhouse effect
A warming effect of the Earth’s atmosphere and surface, due to a build-up
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gas
A gas which acts like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping heat in the
earth’s atmosphere, to cause the greenhouse effect. Two of the most
common greenhouses gases are carbon dioxide and methane.
The relatively clean wastewater that comes from baths, showers, sinks,
washing machines and dishwashers.
Water held underground in the soil, or in pores and gaps in rock.
The place or places normally occupied by a particular species or population.
Hazardous waste
Substances that can significantly harm the health of humans or the environment
if they are not handled and disposed of correctly. Household hazardous
waste consists of hazardous products used and disposed of by residential
consumers, rather than industry.
A brown stain in the lower atmosphere caused by particles such as dust
and vehicle emissions.
A type of plastic - high density polyethylene - used for make containers
like milk and detergent bottles.
Heavy metals
Metals which tend to accumulate in the food chain and can harm living
things at very low concentrations - eg chromium, cadmium, mercury
Substances which may be given to meat-producing animals to help stimulate
growth and increase meat production.
Electricity produced using water as an energy source.
Chemical compounds that consist entirely of carbon and oxygen.
A colorless, odorless gas which is highly flammable. Hydrogen is the
most common element in the universe.