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Ollie in Ohio

Since an early version of Ollie was first introduced in America, some keen waste educators in Ohio have kept their eye on Ollie’s development waiting for the time when the USA version was ready to use in local community education programs. So as to help with the development process, members of the Akron/Summit Waste Management Authority have contributed their time by checking local content and testing the functionality of the made for the USA Ollie CD ROM.

Now that the program is complete, schools in the Akron/Summit area are the first to use the Ollie CD ROM in their environmental education programs. This is due largely to the work of Carlene Groeger and Shelley Fehr who work with schools in the area to discuss issues relating to sustainable waste management and recycling.

Akron/Summit Waste Management Authority team
Members of the Akron/Summit Waste Management Authority team and Donna Stusek (far left), the Deputy Chief of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, meet with Jane Stewart to discuss issues of environmental education in the area of sustainable waste management and recycling.

Ollie's new aunties
Ollie’s new aunties, Carlene Groeger (second from the right) and Shelley Fehr (far left) showing Ollie's Mum and Dad around some beautiful spots in the Akron/Summit area.


Ohio teacher and student use Ollie CD Ohio students using Ollie CD


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