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Bookmuncher® Directory Recycling Program

BookmuncherSensis invites you to work with us to help protect the environment and reduce pressure on landfill and forest resources, by recycling your old White Pages® and Yellow Pages® directories.

In most areas across Australia, old White Pages® and Yellow Pages® directories can be recycled in the same way as any other paper product.

Kerbside recyclingThey can be placed directly in your recycling box, bag or bin with old newspapers and magazines - all year round.The BookMuncher® Directory Recycling Program is offered in conjunction with one of Australia's leading recycling companies, Visy Recycling.

Book Muncher flyerOld White Pages® and Yellow Pages® directories are recycled into a range of environmentally friendly cardboard products, including Visy cardboard products, housing insulation and Dr Harry's Light and Easy™ Cat Litter.

The BookMuncher® Directory Recycling Program was responsible for the recycling of more than 60% of old telephone directories in 2001. This was a significant increase on the 50% recycling rate achieved in 2000.

Throughout 2002 and the coming years, Sensis will continue to expand the Program. As of the end of 2002, the Program already reached approximately 90% of the Australian population.Press advertisment

For enquires or more information about recycling old White Pages® and Yellow Pages® directories please contact:

BookMuncher® hotline 1300 130 997; or
email: environment@sensis.com.au





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