Look through some Flash Movies the creators of Ollie have made
to highlight other important environmental issues.
- Keep the Sea Plastic Free. Bin it.
Marine litter has become a
major problem for Australia’s
ocean environment. The time has come to appreciate the importance
of our fragile marine environment and to understand the steps you
can take to lessen your impact.
Sustainable News
Recycling newspapers and magazines saves on landfill, uses less energy and cuts
greenhouse emissions… all good news for the environment. This animated
movie sees Ollie and Rex as Recycling Super Heroes in the movie titled “Champions
of the Planet – Delivering Sustainable News”. This movie is supported
by the Publishers National Environment Bureau.
Do you get your message out effectively?
The internet is a powerful tool that can communicate a message
to many thousands, even millions of people at a minimum cost. Professionally
crafted Internet Flash Movies are an engaging and cost-effective
way to organise and inform people about a particular issue. 